Your guide for success



FEMAC is one of the leading companies in the field of financial management, lobbying, marketing, advising and consulting services. Today, we manage successful projects on three continents: North America, Europe and Africa.

Our successful and motivated team can achieve outstanding results with all your challenges.  We believe in solutions that are tailored to each individual business situation. This is why our specific project management experience is recognized worldwide. 

Our broad scope of knowledge and experience have been implemented in more than 300 different projects in different fields. And that is why our clients recognize our approach as a long-term partnership and joint action in achieving a great final result. 


We strongly believe that only partnerships create the conditions for the development and progress of society. That is why our mission is to work together to create a better future and a happier world.


Our vision is to, through the exchange of positive experiences, knowledge and influence, create profitable and useful results together. A society is as stable as its economic environment. Therefore, it is important for us to create high quality living conditions around the world through the exchange of experiences and implementation of good practices.


Our strategic approach understands the differences in the implementation of projects around the world. Therefore, the solutions we create are unique and applicable in different conditions and in different fields.



Financial Management

Financial management services include activities ranging from the identification of profitable investment opportunities to the preparation and production of all documents related to the analysis and implementation of an investment. The support we provide with this service also includes identifying an adequate form of investment (Public Private Partnerships, Individual Investment Activities, Cooperatives, Joint Ventures, etc.). In addition to developing professional and comprehensive Feasibility Studies, we also provide support in analyzing the documentation accompanying the project, collecting documentation from relevant state authorities, as well as negotiating and coordinating between all stakeholders in the investment process. Our professional working principle is based on protecting the interests of all parties involved in the process and achieving long-term profitable results.


As professionals, we work intensively and constantly on our education, but we also share our experiences and knowledge with all those who want to improve and be successful. We recognize professional development as the basis of personal and professional success and education is, therefore, an important segment of our services. It encompasses trainings in various professional fields as well as trainings for the purpose of adequate implementation of management or project changes that our clients implement in their business.


Sometimes, it is not enough to have a good idea and a Feasibility Study indicating excellent future results. It is necessary to have an effective operational team of professionals who will put your idea and project into action. Our management team can provide full support in the implementation of your project, from its conception to its implementation, from the beginning of implementation to monitoring the progress of the project. Only a good team guarantees the success of a project.

Advising and Consulting

In case you need to clarify certain ideas or challenges you are facing, you need objective and reliable expert advice. Our services in this field can provide the right answers and clear instructions about which direction to take. Also, we can help make your idea or personality visible and influential. It is very important to take advantage of all the opportunities you can find on your professional path. We can make those opportunities come to fruition.



108 West 13th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone:  +1.202.380.9016
Fax: +1.202.688.5183


    108 West 13th Street
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Phone:  +1.202.380.9016
    Fax: +1.202.688.5183